Water Bottle Speaker
Water Bottle Speaker
What is the best way to invent an ingenious product? Combine two amazing ones that already exist! The Re-Fuel Water Bottle speaker pumps you up during pre-workouts, and will keep you hydrated as you tackle…
Mario Mushroom Speaker
Mario Mushroom Speaker
While the Mario Mushroom Speaker may not make you a foot taller, this luxury certainly doesn’t require you to mindlessly bash your head on a plethora of floating brick blocks. Emotionally speaking, this cute little…
Shit Happens Game
Shit Happens Game
If you ever feel like you’re feeling down on your luck, check out any of these cards – you’ll be happy that you’re you. It ranks the shittiest events possible, from getting a ketchup bottle…
Exploding Kitten Game
Exploding Kitten Game
Widely regarded as one of the most successful projects on Kickstarter, “Exploding Kittens” introduces an element of chaos to the traditional card table. The theme of the game is satisfying yet dramatic, and adopts a…
Planetarium in a Book
Planetarium in a Book
Within its humble pages, you’ll find a playable paper instruments, perpetual calendars, and other 3-dimensional amenities. It is a prime example of an educational pop-up book done right, exploring topics such as astronomy, cryptography, and…
Champagne Bong
Champagne Bong
Marijuana is now becoming legal, but smoking herb isn’t exactly perceived as classy. That is, until the Champbong was invented. The champbong allows you to drink (Or smoke if you’re really creative) from a glass-bong…