Stainless Steel Soap
Stainless Steel Soap
You might be thinking “what on earth am I supposed to do with a bar of Steel Soap?”. For starters, the metallic coating binds to nasty smelling odors that are present in your hands. This…
Scribit Wall Drawing Robot
Scribit Wall Drawing Robot
Posters are great. Posters are colorful, meaningful, and plaster your walls with projections of your individuality. However, I bet you won’t find any posters bigger than the size of a medium sized bathroom mirror. The…
Splinterworks Designer Bathtub Hammock
Splinterworks Designer Bathtub Hammock
We keep finding crazier ways to take baths, am I right? On Jetplanes & Champagne, we’ve talked about portable bath jets, drivable hot tubs, and now a designer bathtub hammock! Proudly based in the UK,…