The Infamous Chaos Machine

What is the greatest feeling in the world? Is it success? Sex? Or maybe it’s love. We argue that it’s the adrenaline rush you experience right before opening up a Christmas present. When we were kids, cool toys were everything. On the playground it served as a form of currency, allowing young children to acquire colorful snacks and high positions in their elementary school social hierarchy. We don’t stop infatuating ourselves with cool toys, we just become interested in more expensive ones. Barbies turn into designer handbags, remote control cars into real ones, and pokemon cards into lottery tickets. Occasionally we run into a shelved toy that makes us revert back to our formal adolescent selves. These cool toys for grown ups can come in the form of a board game, an amusing gadget, or even educational DIY kit. Whatever it is that gets your prepubescent blood flowing again, we’ve got it below.