Tactile Camera for the Blind
Tactile Camera for the Blind
When people say that the blind have heightened senses, they aren’t wrong. Take bats, for example. They make up for their famously ‘horrendous vision’ through echolocation. But with humans, it’s a little more tricky. Here…
Virtual 60-Point Pinball Machine
Virtual 60-Point Pinball Machine
These days, the only place you’ll find a pinball machine is the dusty, spider-infested basement of an old bar. These arcade machines don’t deserve this sort of treatment. They’ve provided us hours of unspoiled fun…
Playable Gameboy Phone Case
Playable Gameboy Phone Case
With a case this radical, you just may start showing your phone case more attention than your actual phone! Though you have access to millions of colorful games through the app store, you yearn for…