Retro Smartphone Magnifier
Retro Smartphone Magnifier
I bet you money that you spend more time watching videos on your phone than calling distant relatives. Our cell phones make calls on occasion, but spends most of its energy scrolling through social media…
Scrabble Tile Lights
Scrabble Tile Lights
Did you know that Scrabble is somewhat of a professional sport? As a matter of fact, the best of the best gather every year to compete for the “World Scrabble Championships”. Though you may not…
Borderlands 2 Claptrap Gadgets
Borderlands 2 Claptrap Gadgets
For those of you who haven’t been fortunate enough to play through the Borderlands series, Claptrap is an eccentric, witty, and autonomous robot that guides you through the games. He’s formally known as “CL4P-TP general…