Scrabble Tile Lights

Scrabble Tile Lights

Did you know that Scrabble is somewhat of a professional sport? As a matter of fact, the best of the best gather every year to compete for the “World Scrabble Championships”. Though you may not be the best Scrabble player in the world, you still deserve some recognition for beating your 5-year old daughter in the board game. The Scrabble Tile Lights set provides seven beautiful tiles, which are rested on top of an enlarged wooden platform. The set also comes with 60 reusable stickers that allow you to customize your tiles with the letters of your choice. Once the platform is plugged into a power outlet, the tiles gently illuminate in a display of literal and aesthetic beauty. Other great uses include:

  • Threatening your roommate for not changing the toilet paper
  • Racy messages to your lover
  • Insulting your unwitting cat