Munchies Cookbook
Munchies Cookbook
With instructions for “drinking like a Russian” and creating the perfect “seven layer dip”, this neat little cookbook will be there for you on your latest nights. Jam-packed with content from the likes of Anthony…
Ostrich Pillow
Ostrich Pillow
With the Ostrich Pillow, people won’t bother trying to make small talk with you. Perfect for those flights where you’re sitting next to a Talkative Tammy. Unfortunately, they’ll probably be quietly judging you and the…
Ping Pong Conference Table
Ping Pong Conference Table
After a day of slaving away in that corporate cubicle, don’t you wish you could just dominate your stupid boss in a game of ping pong? Doubling up as a conference table, this ping-pong set…
Off Road Skateboard
Off Road Skateboard
Make the world your skate park with this all-terrain style skateboard! You’ll be able to share snowy hills, muddy roads, mountain tops, gravel plains, and of course, gnar.…
Bad Fortune Cookies
Bad Fortune Cookies
Ever wonder how the fortune cookies industry would read if your pessimistic friend “Clarence” wrote them all? Yeah, us too. From the makers of “cards against humanity”, here are some of the most downbeat and…