Wooden Book Lamp
Wooden Book Lamp
Instead of a chaotic pattern of words, you will find a brilliant glow between the pages of this book. Because of it’s portable and compact body, this device makes for an easily accessible and flexible…
Portable Pizza Pouch
Portable Pizza Pouch
Keep what you love close to your heart, and save that last slice for later with this oddly useful necklace pouch. It’s a hilarious yet practical invention that effectively addresses the number one first-world problem:…
Unbreakable Lead Pencil
Unbreakable Lead Pencil
We all know that soul crushing feeling you get when you break the lead of your mechanical pencil – a scenario usually followed by a quiet sigh, and 5 aggressively obnoxious clicks. The Zebra Del…
Underwater Disco Light
Underwater Disco Light
If you’ve ever wanted to host an underwater dance party, here is your window of opportunity. This device converts your otherwise generic bathtubs into a “kaleidoscope of color”, and turns your fish tank into an…
Wooden 6-pack Caddy
Wooden 6-pack Caddy
Tote around your six packs stylishly, and captivate any beer enthusiast that happens to cross your path with this gorgeously designed wooden beer caddy. It’s armed with a bottle opener, so you can crack open…
Funky Veggies
Funky Veggies
It is a universal law that a vegetable isn’t something worth getting excited over…right? The Funky Vegetables Kit presents a brilliant counter argument that just might turn your head. It allows you to grow purple…