Brainstrings puzzle
Brainstrings puzzle
Consensually give yourself migraines with Brainstrings, a knotted puzzle that requires ‘in the box thinking’ thinking to solve. It challenges you to expand your spatial reasoning by sorting the strings into colour groupings, and utilizes…
Planetarium in a Book
Planetarium in a Book
Within its humble pages, you’ll find a playable paper instruments, perpetual calendars, and other 3-dimensional amenities. It is a prime example of an educational pop-up book done right, exploring topics such as astronomy, cryptography, and…
Cocoon Tent
Cocoon Tent
The Cocoon tent takes “Glamping” to a whole new level, combining the luxury of modern architecture with the freedom of an outdoor adventure. It is completely waterproof, and supports up to 2.3 tons of weight.…
Desktop Golf
Desktop Golf
The hardest part of golf is facing the learning curve – but hey, you’ve got to start somewhere. This desktop golf system is the perfect training device to help you gain enough confidence for your…
Yodeling Pickle
Yodeling Pickle
Move over Mozart, music has evolved. This yodelling pickle is the perfect instrument for musically inclined individuals and creates an angelic verbal sequence when played. The toy provides hours of mindless entertainment, making for an…
Ninja Wall Climbing Claws
Ninja Wall Climbing Claws
If you’ve ever wanted to carry out secretive missions on behalf of a sketchy overs-shadowing organization, here’s your chance. These claws are what ancient ninja’s used to hop over barriers, and scale buildings. They were…