Since the dawn of journalism, Fake News has held an undeniable influence over the literate. In the 19th century, Yellow Journalism was the practice of sacrificing legitimacy for eye-catching headlines and potential virality. It covered immortality potions, alien interactions, Benjamin Franklin’s secret boyfriend, and other topics now associated with the weird side of the internet. More recently, ‘Fake News’ has been spun into a term used degrades articles from the opposing end of the political spectrum, and partisan journalists that you particularly dislike. Though you can complain all you want about sh*tty journalism on Twitter, the Fake News Stamp helps you officialize your remarks (with attitude). You can use it to stamp portions of the newspaper, math assignments, or even your overdue bills! It’s like the Bullsh*t button, but more relevant to our current political climate. And by politics, we mean the boatloads of Trump memes circulating the web. Covfefe it up!
Fake News Stamp