Ping Pong Conference Table
Ping Pong Conference Table
After a day of slaving away in that corporate cubicle, don’t you wish you could just dominate your stupid boss in a game of ping pong? Doubling up as a conference table, this ping-pong set…
Killer Whale Submarine
Killer Whale Submarine
If buying a submarine isn’t enough to satisfy your thirst for adventure, here is one designed to behave and look like a fucking killer whale. It allows you to flap your tail, leap for the…
The First Flying Bicycle
The First Flying Bicycle
Not only will this Flying Bike provide a smooth ride on the road, but it’s also designed to cruise up to 4000 ft above the ground! features deployable para-wings and can travel up to 75…
The Yankees
The Yankees
As of 2016 the New York Yankees is valued by Forbes at 3.2 billion dollars, which is a hefty chunk of money for most of us. But if you’ve dedicated your entire existence to this…