Robotic Bartender
Robotic Bartender
While a it may not be as social as a human one, this computerized mixologist will craft you the most mathematically accurate cocktails on the planet. It can be interacted with through its user-friendly interface,…
Submersible Car
Submersible Car
While Bruce Wayne hogs the Bat mobile, this Submersible Car remains the coolest vehicle one could possibly own. Inspired by “The Spy Who Loved me“, this unique 4-wheeler drives smoothly as any luxury car on…
Personal Submarine
Personal Submarine
While 95% of the world’s ocean remains undiscovered, why not explore it for yourself inside a personal submarine?  With the ability of descending up to a depth of 1,000 feet, you’ll be able to interact…
Hot Dog Vendor
Hot Dog Vendor
Fuck stocks and bonds, this investment is the real deal. It’s robust body was inspired by the many colorful hot dog vendors on the bustling streets of New York, and cooks up to 20 sausages…
Cocoon Tent
Cocoon Tent
The Cocoon tent takes “Glamping” to a whole new level, combining the luxury of modern architecture with the freedom of an outdoor adventure. It is completely waterproof, and supports up to 2.3 tons of weight.…
Worlds Fastest Car
Worlds Fastest Car
The Koenisegg Agera was built solely to accommodate adrenaline junkies with a few extra million dollars on hand. It has been praised as the current “fastest car in the world”, boasting a max speed of…