Microwaveable meals aside, Ferrofluid is perhaps the single greatest outcome of modern science. It’s merely a clump of nano-sized iron particles – that is, until you you add a magnet into the equation. The suspended…
Mr. Bond? Here’s another one you might want to add to your arsenal. Unlike overpriced designer watches, the Nixie justifies its price with its revolutionary functionalities. It is essentially a camera equipped quad copter that…
Is there anything that a smartphone can’t do? This IOS/Android attachment turns your regular old 6 into an advanced piece of spy technology that belongs inside the armories of top notch intelligence agencies. It generates…
Add a little spice to your “liquor bottle” instagram pics and turn your dusty old jars into something a little more festive with these unique sets of lights. They attach via a cork, and light…
We all know that soul crushing feeling you get when you break the lead of your mechanical pencil – a scenario usually followed by a quiet sigh, and 5 aggressively obnoxious clicks. The Zebra Del…
Instead of using your wrists to wear materialistic symbols of vanity, why not use it as a handy tool slot? This creative bracelet is a minimalistic fashion statement, and also features a phone charger in…